London Balcony
Our recent London Balcony project appears fairly simple at first glance. The combination of hot forged detail and modern metalwork design belies the complex nature of the structure. As with all our work we carefully considered the structural details to ensure that this commission achieved its full aesthetic potential.
The staircase and cantilevered balcony have been clad in porcelain which complements the patinated finish of our ironwork. The railing uprights are side fixed to the frame with a hot forged detail. We forged each of these under our 50 ton hydraulic press using custom tooling. This forged detail is not only great for aesthetics. It ensured that we were also able to maximise the available space on the balcony. This can be a big advantage especially where planning conditions often restrict the overall size.
Our balustrade design features a repeated arc motif that we have fire welded and riveted at intervals. This makes the iron work a very strong and rigid structure. Towards the bottom of the stairs the handrail terminations echo the pattern above. This gives a cohesive and fluid feel to the piece.
Finally to finish off, we forged a custom handrail section. This has a great tactile quality, and this runs the length of the piece. Further photos of this project under construction can be seen in our blog. Twickenham, London, 2017.