About James
We are passionate about forged metalwork and relish the creative opportunities within every commission. We’re always very happy to discuss any projects or ideas
James’s approach is informed by his background which combines an arts degree with a hands on apprenticeship training. These two very different educational paths have given James much creative insight and informed his practice as a maker.
Originally studying a BA hons in craft design at Brighton Art College, James went on to train in Blacksmithing at Hereford. Quickly realising that the best way to learn the craft was as a journeyman, James travelled to Switzerland where he was lucky enough to work with world renowned master blacksmith Christoph Friedrich at his water powered forge.
Returning to the UK, James worked for several highly regarded smiths in the Surrey hills, but was left eager to develop his own work, finally establishing his first workshop in West Sussex in 2002.
Combining original contemporary design and high quality craftsmanship James creates work that is firmly rooted in the present. In contrast to much ironwork today, James’s work is characterised by clean lines and considered details.
He is interested in exploring the process of making, combining heat, force and ingenuity to manipulate this most dynamic of materials.
A passion for craftsmanship and an inherent appreciation of forged metal are themes that run throughout his work.